Thank you for considering opening your home to a Gateway Home Church. Someone from the Pastoral Team will contact you to discuss your application.
Here are a few considerations as you apply:
  • We want to be up front from the outset – this is an application and not a guarantee of leadership. Our Pastoral Team must validate that you are a committed disciple of Christ yourself before we release you to lead others.
  • We encourage you to have a support person or couple. Ministry is always more fun when it’s done with friends! This will provide support for you as a leader. It will also provide options in the event that your group grows beyond the size of the space you’re meeting in and needs to multiply.
  • Speaking of multiplication – this is an idea that we want all of our groups to foster. Our goal is not to fill up existing groups and then turn away any new friends that might want to join. Our goal is to make space for everyone that wants to join, and this may require multiplying our groups.
  • At this point our Home Churches will meet until Easter 2021. We will reevaluate this process at the end of this season. We ask that you make a commitment to host every Sunday as much as possible. If you are unable to for some reason, please make sure your support person can cover so there is continuity with your group.
  • Gateway’s official stance is that all groups should follow state guidelines by wearing masks.